How thick can my tabletop be?
Wrap Buddies® are perfectly happy on tables up to 2 inches thick. The clamps open much wider than that, but clamping efficiency suffers when they're too far open.
What size tape rolls can I use?
Wrap Buddies were designed to accept boxed 1000 in refills of 3M Scotch® tape, but should accept any roll of 3/4 x 1000in tape.
Can they handle jumbo rolls?
Jumbo rolls (at least, those you can get at Costco) will work with Wrap Buddies. When the roll is fresh out of its shrink-wrap, it will rest on the tabletop but the Buddies will keep it in place. As paper comes off, it will eventually hang from the posts just like a smaller roll. That’s pretty much how we roll (sorry!) here at WB HQ!
Are they patented?
Yes! Wrap Buddies are protected by US Pat. 10,472,114.
Can I buy them directly from you?
We don’t sell them directly, but you can find Wrap Buddies at many online and brick & mortar retailers. Please check our “Where to Buy” page.
Why don’t Wrap Buddies have a cutter?
There are many reasons why we decided to focus on managing the roll instead of providing a cutting edge:
Scissors and razor cutters already exist and work great.
If the roll is stable, cutting is much easier with whatever tool you choose.
Most packages require two cuts: one to separate the paper from the roll and another to trim it to size. So even if we figured out how to add a cutting attachment that would still store easily and not impede your ability to change rolls quickly and use any size, you’d still need another tool to make the crosswise cuts before wrapping.